

Public Art


location: Washington Nationals Stadium, Washington DC

dimensions: Approximately 560' L × 50' H × 8' D

materials: Polished stainless steel, cables, LED lights

Curveball (2010) is a public art piece by American artist Thomas Sayre. Curveball contains 30 stainless steel spheres—each nearly seven feet in diameter—arranged to hang from two parking decks. The placement and spin of each sphere represents a sinking fast pitch coming at ballpark visitors from the eastern deck, and an ascending hit emanating from the visitor at the western deck. By day, the surrounding city is reflected unto the spheres. By night, an ever-changing light show projects colors unto the parking deck and its inhabitants.

Commissioned and originally owned by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, DC Creates Public Art Program. Funded in part by the Washington Convention and Sports Authority.
